Local Attractions
There are a wealth of attractions and places to visit during your stay in this beautiful and historic part of England. During your visit to the area, you will discover the nation’s heritage while re-capturing life and experiences from Roman times to the present day.
Winchelsea Beach
Winchelsea Beach is a small, rural resort, much quieter than many of the more developed resorts along this stretch of the south coast.The gently sloping beach is made up of shingle rather than sand, although when the tide is out a large area of level sand and mud is exposed.
Charles Palmer Vineyards
Charles Palmer and his wife Sally first took on Wickham Manor, and the land that makes up the estate in 1998 after having farmed previously in West Sussex for 21 years.
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve is one of the largest and most important wildlife sites in England, set in an exceptional coastal and wetland landscape and home to more than 4,355 species of plants and animals including 300 that are rare or endangered.
Camber Castle
Camber Castle was one link in the chain of forts built along the south coast by Henry VIII. Highly symmetrical, built from Wealden and Sussex sandstone. . It was abandoned in 1642 due to shingle build up and is a rare example of a Henrician fort surviving in its original plan.
Smuggler's Adventure
Offer three separate attractions located in the heart of Hastings. The three attractions consist of Hastings Aquarium, Smugglers Adventure & Hastings Castle. Visitors can choose to visit any one, two or three of our attractions – and in whatever order suits them!
Bodiam Castle
One of the most famous and evocative castles in Britain, Bodiam was built in 1385, as both a defence and a comfortable home. The exterior is virtually complete and the ramparts rise dramatically above the moat. Enough of the interior survives to give an impression of castle life